
Career Ending Albums of Legendary Bands

Career Ending Albums of Legendary Bands

Can Piano Be Used As A Percussion Instrument? Are you curious to learn the piano as a musical instrument? You’re not on your own! There is no consensus among music connoisseurs on whether the...

Songs Everyone HATES (That I Love)

Songs Everyone HATES (That I Love)

Rapper Slim 400 Interrupts Gaming Tournament at BudTrader’s San Diego Comic-Con Booth Rapper Slim 400 Grabbed the Mic in Front of a Stunned Audience as Gamers Continued to Play. The rapper is a BudTrader...

Bands Who Released 1 Album, Then Dipped

Bands Who Released 1 Album, Then Dipped

8 Benefits of Listening to Music According to many recent studies, listening to music can help you improve your mental health. Apart from this, it can also help you improve your physical health. In...

Bands With No Original Members Left

Bands With No Original Members Left

Dance To The Music From the beginning of time, Jubal was the first musician mentioned in the Bible; he played the flute and harp. Genesis 4:21. Why do we listen to music? Are your...

Songs Are Getting Shorter. Have You Noticed?

Songs Are Getting Shorter. Have You Noticed?

Shostakovich Symphony No4 – A Personal View The Symphony number 4 of Dmitri Shostakovich is the greatest artistic achievement of the human race. It’s a personal view. This is music that communicates some very...